Sunday 19 February 2012

The Night Before Thailand

I'd say I love traveling... I wouldn't say I love packing! Packing for a month is really difficult and doing it with one bag became a task that took me much longer than I anticipated. But, after several arrangements and rearrangements I am settled in one bag with a little room to spare! All this to be able to take empty bags for shopping and collecting treasures along the way! Less than 18 hours now before we're onboard our first flight which is just a puddle hop to Montreal, Quebec. From Montreal, we fly to Paris! Landing in Paris Tuesday, February 21st at 8:45am at Charles De Gaulle!! We've been advised to steer clear of terminal 3... apparently it's rundown with lost travelers.
As requested by my husband, beans, cornbread and cabbage were on the menu tonight. We've finished our last home cooked dinner for a while. We're both looking forward to trying as many new dishes as possible. Although, I cannot say I'll be partaking in any fried spiders, grasshoppers, yellow ants smothered in lime chili, ant eggs, king scorpions, water bugs, hornet bugs or maggots. I don't care if the street vendor calls them tasty treats! If my husband feels the need to be adventurous or is famished, then I'll be sure to document his enjoyment of such fine delicacies! I've packed the pepto just incase!! Until then, let us hope everything goes smoothly. Tomorrow is a big day of travel! Sending all my love to those who are traveling with us in spirit!


  1. Eww, Eww, Eww...I can't imagine those delicacies!

  2. I need the recipe for that cabbage and beans! Looks awesome!
